Thanks to everyone who commented on my blogiversary post. The random number generator came up with lucky number 13.
That is
Hege! Congratulations. I am sending the zauberball your way!
Now onto some questions you asked in the comments.
What is your favorite part about blogging?
I like writing, in my rambly way. Blogging gives me an outlet for informal writing that I particularly appreciated while in university spending all my time writing essays. Now that I’m out of school, blogging gives me an opportunity to write regularly full stop.
What is your favorite FO and why?
Probably my
This was a major challenge for me in 2009, and I love the result. I haven’t made something quite so ambitious since, so I think I’m due for another challenging, complex project.
What's your favourite colour?
My favourite colours rotate between greens, blues, and purples. Right now, GREEN. Bright, deep shades like the ones I can’t ever capture in photos, re: the zauberball. Does anyone have any tips for photo accurate greens? I do also love teal, even though all my photos of green things look teal by mistake...
Do you have a favorite online yarn store?
Not yet! I don’t buy that much yarn online, so I haven’t found a favourite online yarn shop so far. I often drool over hand-dyed yarn on etsy shops, though.
Which knitting blog do you most enjoy reading?
There are loads, as shown by my full blogroll sidebar. Here are a few I really enjoy consistently:
Needled – Not only beautiful knitwear designs, but fascinating investigations into textile history, exploring beautiful places, and personal recovery stories.
Brooklyn Tweed – this almost goes without saying, but Jared Flood’s photos and his design work is inspiring.
Mooncalf Makes – She always has something fun on the go: knitting, sewing, cross-stitch…
What advice can you offer someone new to blogging?
Er. Stick with it? Proofread! (Maybe this is a bit hypocritical of me since I am no stranger to typos, and I frequently use sentence fragments but… yeah, proofreading.) Engage with the blogging community. I'm pretty sure nobody read this thing until last year's
Knitting and Crochet Blog Week. By the way, this year's KCBW is coming up soon, hint hint.
I'll be back with more of your questions tomorrow!