First Toe-up socks
First Magic Loop
The beginning of Delicious Socks, by Laura Chau

Before starting these socks, I hadn't realized how subtle Noro Kureyon is in the colour transitions. Photographs really don't capture all the colours involved. It's even tweedy in places. I know I'm the last person to discover this, but whoa! I'm a fan. The thick-and-thing nature of the yarn is a little bizarre since it varies from lace-weight to almost DK in places - I've snapped it once, but after that I was more careful. I don't know how it will wear, though.

I quite like the magic loop as well, although DPNs and I are friends most of the time, and I'll definitely knit socks on them again. The reason I learned magic loop for this project was because I received 2-at-a-Time Socks for Christmas. At first I intended to try these socks two at a time, but I got scared since the pattern isn't written for that, and the technique in the book is explained for top-down socks. So. Noro socks are my introduction to Magic Loop, and I'll attempt two at a time at some later date.