There are only a few days left in the official
Outfit Along, and as expected I'm not going to finish my sweater on time. But it's cool - I got my skirt done!

Modeled shots to follow at some point. I swear I ironed it, but the hanger makes it bunch up more than it should.
The pattern is the
Alder Skirt by Imagine Gnats. This is the first time in my adult life that I've made a garment from a pattern. I had a few false starts and my cutting/sewing accuracy could be better, but oh well.
Problem the First:
The first time I sewed it all together the pockets gaped horribly. I have a suspicion that the pockets are suppose to gape a bit in View A, but it is hard to tell how much since most of the pictures of that view include hands in the pockets. In all likelihood, slight errors in cutting and matching made mine even worse. I decided I didn't want balloon pockets, so I had to undo the side seams and move things around until they didn't gape so much.
Problem the Second:
When putting the elastic in for the waist, it seemed like I wouldn't be able to put it on over my hips. This was made worse by the rejigging I had to do for the pockets. I contemplated trying to install a zipper, but decided that might be too much for my tiny brain to handle at this stage. In the end, I can juuuust barely get it over my hips, so it's fine. I can always fall back on putting it over my head.
Here it is with my Cria cardigan in progress:
(strange shoulder lumps are from the skirt hanger)
I'm at the endless stockinette body stage, and it seems like it will last forever. Ah well - it'll be worth it in the end!