Second, I have a newish WIP that is breaking all the rules.
I'm making some plain socks using a Fleegle Heel, as a gift.

The yarn is Fyberspates Sheila's Sock, and it's not electric blue like it appears - more periwinkles and purples.

Rules broken:
No Vanilla Socks
This isn't a hard and fast rule, but I have so many non-vanilla sock patterns in my queue/favourites that I never have any desire to make plain ones. Unless they are stripey. But these are going really quickly, so maybe these will change my mind about vanilla socks. Also I might try something fun and fancy at the cuff, but I haven't decided what yet.
Deviating from the Stash Match project
I gave myself plenty of scope for changing my mind when I started the stash match project, so it's really fine. This is the first major change I've made, though, so it feels a bit rebellious. The yarn is just a perfect colour for the intended recipient, and I'm still feeling a bit burnt out on cables from my last socks, so I currently have no desire to make the project I originally allocated the yarn for, as gorgeous as it is. There will be other yarns and I may yet come back to it.
Using my "too pretty for socks" yarn, for socks
I have all my digits crossed that it will be okay, since these are meant to be bed socks, and the yarn is technically superwash. somehow knitting gift socks out of obscenely pretty yarn seems more justifiable to me. I know this is irrational, since I should totally use the best for myself, and I can't know if the gift recipient is going to take care of the socks lovingly... but there it is.

So there it is. Do you have any knitting rules, and do you like to break them?
Linking up with Stitch Along Wednesday this week.