
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Because I'm a critic, just like everyone else

Fall is definitely here. It's a beautiful bright, cool day, but not cold. I caught this vine in the backyard, already turning red.

Speaking of fall... It seems to me the Fall issue of Knitty is full of the crazy. I like a lot of it for its quirkiness, but that doesn't mean I'll make it. But maybe I will.

Versatility is brilliant in theory. I'm tempted to try it, maybe without the bobbles. The more I look at it the more I'm fascinated.

I've never been too keen on knitting huge things like blankets. OpArt is probably the first baby blanket pattern I've seen that I actually want to make. I will keep this in mind.

All the socks in this issue look fun, but especially Garden Gate. What is it with me and colourwork socks? I find myself so drawn to them, but at the same time convinced that attempting it would end horribly. I need more colourwork practice first, anyway.

Slither cracks me up, but I very much doubt I'll make it. Waves of Grain is beautiful. Kinetic would be dignified and subdued as a scarf


  1. This was actually my favourite issue of Knitty ever. It only had one item in the entire thing that made me gag (the stupid anklet thingies. I honestly would want to smack anyone who would wear those things extremely hard). I normally don't like bobbles myself, but I think I've fallen in love with Camden (except the detachable sleeves. I think I'd choose to make it a sleeveless top). Sadly my current shape would make it horrid on me, but in a land where I don't weigh as much, and have a figure to speak of, I would totally knit and wear it, even with the bobbles! :O

  2. Hahahaha, yes I agree with you completely about those ankle things. Camden's bobbles are really understated. I'm neither a lover or a hater of bobbles yet, having never made any, but sometimes they just don't seem to work.
