Lucky for us, we both like to make things. My dude came up with a crazy scheme to build a Christmas tree out of dowels and garden wire - and it worked! He did most of it, but I helped. When the modern, minimalist tree was finished, it sat bare for a few days while we thought about how to decorate it. The branches are fairly flexible, and the whole thing is rather small. Then, another brilliant idea from the dude...

Hexipuffs as ornaments! They are very light and small, plus I have them in a crazy range of colours. I put some thread through a corner of each one, knotted it, and then attempted to hide the knot back inside the puffs. When it comes time to put the blanket together, I can always cut the thread and remove it.

I'm sure this isn't an original idea - on ravelry I can find people using hexipuffs for all kinds of things, including ornaments and a hexitree. However, my dear FH doesn't spend all his free time browsing ravelry, so the idea coming from him is somewhat original.

Love the idea, and the tree construction looks very impressive :)
ReplyDeleteI love that I can spot a couple of puffs from the yarn I sent you (not sure how I missed your last post, totally I agree about the eye searing stripey yarn, but I love it!)
That's great! I just saw an original coat hanger tree earlier...
ReplyDeleteHexipuff ornaments are such a good idea!
ReplyDeleteAwww, that so cute!
ReplyDeleteThat looks so fun, I love it! So inventive :)
ReplyDeleteI've recently caved to the hexipuffs. I kept looking at everyone's lovely puffs and couldn't resist buying the pattern any longer! I'm trying my hardest to put off casting on for any until after Christmas though, I have so much Christmas knitting still to do and hexipuffs look addictive...
I LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteYour sweetie did a great job with the tree. Bonus points for coming up with the idea to use your puffs as ornaments. They look awesome! Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteThat is an awesome idea and your tree looks great! And merry christmas!