Pattern: Torrent socks by Tin Can Knits

Yarn: Yarn Yard Cairn
Notes: I started this with the medium size, realized it was way too big, decreased to the small size and kept going. I really enjoyed knitting these, partly because the back half of the socks is stockinette stitch - really interesting lace on the front, a nice break on the back, never boring. I may seek out patterns like this in the future.
They fit well, but the yarn is not that hard-wearing. After a few washes, it's gone a bit fuzzy. Even with nylon content I don't think it is great for socks. Oh well. It's soft and pretty and if I use it again I'll make a shawl or something instead.
It's taken me three days to write this post because this is my new reality:

Our baby boy was born 8 May, so he's already two weeks old and we're still not sure what hit us!